Are you interested in data about demographic, housing market, land use, and neighborhood services indicators for the NYC’s 59 community districts?
Category Archives: Nice To Know
Jacob Riis – The Other Half: How It Lives and Dies in New York
Jacob Riis presents “The Other Half: How It Lives and Dies in New York” in a pioneering moment in photo journalism on January, 27th 1888.
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A German documentary from ARTE: On the roofs of NYC
Da ist so einiges los auf den Dächern in unserer Lieblingsmetropole und wie wir heute mal in meinem deutschen Tipp unter der Rubrik “Nice to know” erfahren, sind nicht nur die Rooftop Bars in Manhattan einen Besuch wert.
Here grows New York
Fewer than 300 people lived in New Amsterdam when the first dutch families came in 1624.
See how this great city grows from back to the days of the first Dutch settlement to the New York City of today.
This great animation from Myles Zhang illustrates the development of New York City’s street grid and infrastructure systems from 1609 to the present-day.
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